Due Diligence Consulting Services

Call Us Today! 413-478-5475

A hand pointing to the word due diligence on a screen.

 A well planned and executed due diligence process will make the difference between a successful acquisition, sale or merger and a less than desirable and miserable one! Trade Winds Group strategic due diligence process provides buyers and sellers with maximum insight to the contemplated transaction. The Summary Report that we provide to our clients is an unbiased as we are independent of the transaction and do not represent the Seller or Buyer. Our services provide clients with data and information necessary for them to make an informed decision.

Due diligence is the bedrock of any prospective transaction. Largely confined to financial information two decades ago, today’s acquisition due diligence encompasses every meaningful dimension of a target company, including strategy, operations, marketing and sales, finance, IT, leadership, and human resources.

Deep-driven due diligence helps buyers and sellers realize greater synergies and paves the way for a smoother transaction process. For private equity investors, it can yield vital industry knowledge and insight into profit-enhancing operating changes, amongst many other things. Conversely, inadequate due diligence can destroy value significantly and at times, irreversibly. Sellers and Buyers can find themselves saddled with high costs and few actual synergies. Platform buyers and private equity firms are painfully aware that one poor choice can drive down the performance of an entire portfolio. Our strategic due diligence processes and procedures include:

Strategic Perspective

Strategic insight and a fact-based highly analytic approach.

Tailored Approach

A collaborative process, specific to each transaction.

Deep Expertise

TWG has in-depth knowledge and experience and capabilities

We do not rely on a “standard due diligence checklist” as this may lead to gaps in analysis. TWG instead views each engagement as unique. Our due diligence process draws out answers based on our experience and expertise, our credibility as a neutral observer in the marketplace, and our deep analytical capabilities. Our due diligence processes differ somewhat, and the focus of each engagement depends on the target and acquirer. A typical analysis includes big-picture and detailed analysis of key areas. We drill down into vital areas, including those necessary to assess value creation potential: Our analysis of each area covers a lot of ground. Operational due diligence, for example, may include detailed assessments of purchasing, quality control, facilities and methods, operating costs, overhead, product differences, distribution, and logistics.

Once our due diligence work is done, we provide a comprehensive equity summary report, often accompanied by a typical lender’s acquisition financing overview. Our realistic, neutral assessment of the target and the deal enables you to make a considered, fact-based decision, knowing you are acting on intelligence and analytics capabilities that only Trade Winds Group can deliver.

Let’s plan to have a confidential, no cost consultation to discuss what is on your mind today and for the future.  Please fill out the enclosed form and we will be in touch within 24 hours.