Value & Profit Building Services

Call Us Today! 413-478-5475

A word that is sitting on top of the word value.

TWG provides a strategic analysis with short-term and long-term solutions that once implemented will optimize your business operations and increase your cash flow and profits. As each engagement is somewhat unique, the value drivers and roadmaps to reach the desired deliverable will be designed specially to improve and maximize the value of your business. If you are preparing to acquire working capital, bring on an investor, sell, merge or acquire a business, or to build upon the nest egg for the future, the VEP will provide you with the opportunity to achieve the desired outcome. The typical VEP process is provided in the below table:

Step Proccess Description Desired Deliverable
1 Perform a basic level “good-faith opinion of value” financial analysis. Requires 3 years Federal Tax Returns, current internal P&L, Balance Sheet, and other information defined in our checklist. Opinion of value summary report of the business as an arms-length transaction on the open market.
2 Review and discuss current processes, procedures/work instructions, product, service costs, cogs, gross margin and expense items. Physical or virtual walk through the process, initiate the Value Stream Analysis Map (VSAM). Identify non-value-added activities, wasted time, efforts with no financial return. Identify expenses to reduce, eliminate, consolidate or outsource, and to identify less than desirable product or service margins.
3 Perform a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats Analysis (SWOT). The analysis will provide the current internal and external condition, position and health of the organization.
4 Initiate the Improvement Action Plan (IAP). The IAP will summarize each identified opportunity for improvement, root cause for the condition, action to take, assigned responsible party, timeline and the expected cost savings/avoidance dollars (ROI).
5 Perform a “recast” of the P&L and Balance Sheet using the projected IAP & ROI. Accordingly update the opinion of value summary report. We guarantee the future financials and value of the business will look better.
6 Revise existing or create new Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), including standard work, visual aids, process audit checklists, and train employees. Contact customers with applicable cost increases or elimination of the product or service if there is a push back on the increase. The ways you operated in the past must stay in the past.
7 Celebrate the “New Company”. The “new operating budget/forecast” will present the increase of cash flows and operating profits = Value Enhancement of the business.

Let’s plan to have a confidential, no cost consultation to discuss what is on your mind today and for the future.  Please fill out the enclosed form and we will be in touch within 24 hours.