Exit Strategy and Transition Planning

Call Us Today! 413-478-5475

Transferring the ownership of a business can be a complex and emotional situation. Every business has a life cycle and eventually, as an owner, you will be faced with answering the question, "What's next?” Your current and future decisions should be guided by facts and objectivity, and not by an unplanned and forced set of circumstances.

A sign that says exit strategy and is on the beach.

How you exit your business may be one of the most important and critical decisions of your business life. You may have spent many years carefully planning for the growth, sustainability and profitability of your business. How much time and consideration have you given to what needs to happen before and after you leave? The number one reason businesses may fail is due to the lack of formal planning and communication by owners with family, key employees and other business partners such as the accountant, attorney and financial planner.

Many business owners do not have a formal plan and contingencies in place. Not having this key business initiative in place may result in serious and adverse consequences to the business, the owner, family members, employees and its customers. The business should be positioned to continue operations as usual in the event an unplanned or planned event occurs.

Trade Winds Group’s time-tested processes and methods provide our clients with impartial and strategic guidance during and after initiating a “living and workable exit strategy and transitioning plan”. Each plan is individualized and designed to provide our clients with substantiated information and clear paths to making informed decisions including when and whom to transition to, and at what price and terms. The following are a few benefits that a well thought out exit strategy and transition plan will provide:

  • You will decide who to transfer the business to
  • You will control the timing and how you transfer and exit the business
  • You will have established a maximized transition price and terms
  • You will be able to initiate a tax strategy that maximizes future wealth
  • You will have created a path for a business legacy and stability for key employees
  • You and your family will have peace of mind knowing a formal plan is in place

Let’s plan to have a confidential, no cost consultation to discuss what is on your mind today and for the future.  Please fill out the enclosed form and we will be in touch within 24 hours.